Fabiola Mutomi - A Happy Recovery

We are happy to report that the cast has been removed and Fabiola Mutomi is doing fine.  Melissa and Bryan Suddith of Dayton, Ohio recently visited ARDR in Rwamagana so Jean Munyurangabo (ARDR Executive Director) took them to see Fabiola.  “It was such a wonderful experience meeting Fabiola and her foster parents, especially after we had been praying for her healing from the accident.  We were happy to see that she was healed and happy” said Melissa.

Melissa went on to say, “It meant a lot to personally see how ARDR is impacting people’s lives.  We learned that Fabiola’s sponsorship paid for 90% of her medical expenses since it covers health care as well as education.”  Fabiola told Melissa and Bryan through Jean’s translation that she is afraid to go to school due to the accident.

Melissa finished by saying “we are praying that with God’s help we can build a school and clinic closer to her village to keep Fabiola and the other children out of harm’s way.”